
Sikhs: Discriminated nation since independence of India

Sikhs have long faced discrimination at the hands of the Indian Government.  Regardless of which party is in power, Sikhs, along with other minority communities have been oppressed. 

Sikhs labeled as threat to India. Feeling alienated within India, the Sikh community put forward a resolution to address all grievances they had with the nation state of India. In 1972, the Sikhs put forward the Anandpur Sahib Resolution. Within this resolution were issues included both religious and political concerns. From easy issues of recognizing Sikhism as a religion, to stopping the discriminatory policy of not hiring Sikhs into the army, to allowing all states within India to set local state level policies and not be forced to get permission from the central government. India refused all resolutions and started to portray Sikhs as secessionists who wished to break apart India. The government controlled media propagated to the rest of India how Sikhs would eventually demand independence, which would result in India disintegrating as nation state. As the Sikhs continued their peaceful demonstrations during the 1970s, an environment of hatred was created by the Indian government to the point where the average Indian believed Sikhs were criminal traitors who wished to destroy India. The Sikhs were no longer equal human beings; they were a barbaric, subhuman threat to India.

Sikhs Labeled as Criminals. In 1947, under the direction of Prime Minister Nehru, Chandu Lal Trivedi had issued a directive to all Commissioners in Punjab to the effect that the ‘Sikhs in general must be treated as a criminal tribe. Harsh treatment must be meted out to them to the extent of shooting them so that they wake up to political realities. It has been confirmed that such a directive was issued to all the D.C.s of Punjab by Home Secretary Policy letter on October 10th, 1947.

This all depicts that Sikhs are being discriminated by the Indian government and people. They just hate Sikhs. They don’t want them to be the part of their nation. So much hatred lies in their heart for Sikhs.

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