
Sardarni Dr. Kuldeep Kaur : Sardar Balwant Singh Rajoana And The Psychopathology Of The Sikh Genocide

Sardar Balwant Singh Rajoana
Sardar Balwant Singh Rajoana

Editor’s Note: This article references the genocide of Buddhists in Medieval India. The details of which can be found here: Extinction Of Sikhism In India

By  Sardarni Dr. Kuldeep Kaur

The Parsurama Killing may be a myth but the  killing of Buddhists by anti Buddhist evil forces  in medieval India is a reality. It is not abstract. It is as much a reality as the killing of Sikhs which is laid in front of us in this and the last  century.
Dr. Scott Peck writes, “Murder is not abstract.” Indeed we Sikhs have seen this with our own eyes and I daresay  lived it with agony in our own hearts.  Murderous group attacks on Sikhs are a reality. It is not a reality of one day only.  It is a reality from the beginning to the end. Peck says, “There are some who have written about evil so intellectually that it comes out sounding abstract to the point of irrelevancy.”  This is the way of the Hindu forces, whose furious, violent, serpentine intellect comes into command as they write about the murders of their victims. Not unlike a serpent, they reduce large scale murderous attacks of the State Appratus on Sikhs to irrelevancy.
At the national level the quality of Parsurama violence can be likened to Gujrat and other Genocides which have been conducted  in India with a fair amount of consistency. In all of these genocides one after the other, the gruesomeness of the murders indicates an anti-human force at work. “Evil is dangerous not only because it motivates them to scapegoat others but also because it deprives them of the restraint that results from empathy and respect for others” says Dr. Scott Peck (p. 136). He further says, “There is a brand of narcissism so total that they seem to lack, in whole or in part, their capacity for empathy, (p. 136).
 Dr. Scott continues, “All of us tend to be more or less self centred in our dealings with others. We usually view any given situation first and foremost from the standpoint of how it affects us personally, and only as an afterthought do we bother to consider how the same situation might effect someone else involved. Nonetheless, particularly if we care for the other person we usually can and eventually do think about his or her viewpoint, which may even be different from oursBut not so with Evil”(p. 136)
This point squarely applies to the Hindu. So much blood (like water) has flown under the bridges,  but this point has still not captured the Hindu pseudo-scholar’s attention that Bhai Rajoana has killed a murderer of Sikhs. Not just a murderer of one Sikh but a murderer of 200,000 Sikhs under a planned genocide. it was not a genocide of only one go. It occured and recurred daily for years  while Beant Singh remained in the  chair as the Chief Minister Of The Punjab. 
Just as a devil draws out such  Sikhs to do it’s job of murdering so does it give pens into the hands of its willing minions like the  writers  of  The Financial Times Of India;  so that the  the humanity of all Sikhs including Sardar Rajoana can be belittled and ignored.
They can  ignore the genocide of the Buddhists and wash  this out from the pages of history. But with the assistance of The Almighty Akal Purakh;  it will not happen in the case of The  Sikhs. By His Grace we have understood what Psychiatrist Scott Peck has to say about their disease. He writes,”By virtue of its extreme self-centredness, evil/devil does not understand the phenomenon of love. It is true that there is an absence of love in it’s (Satan’s) personality. But it is also true that pervading this personality is an active presence of hate. Satan wants to destroy us,” (p. 208).
The patterns of thinking of persons suffering from this disease (the diagnosis of which Dr. Scott Peck gives in an unequivocal form) are the most distorted and dishonest. Satan does not understand why any beings would not want to deceive others. ”Evil hates the light,” says Dr. Peck. It avoids the light of truth that penetrates it’s  deception, (p.77). Enamored with its own will and hate of the light of truth, it basically finds science incomprehensible,” (p. 209).
Sikhs will have to understand that they are confronting a killer enemy that Psychiatrists  call  an ‘ultimate disease’ of not just the Christian world but the Universe. Sikhs have lived through it’s attacks with their lives. An enemy whose perception has not taken cognizance of the  mounds and mounds of dead bodies of young Sikhs wilfully killed; although it  is on the front-line of the reporting, registering, recording of it!   They  have behaved in a way exactly as they have done with Buddhists.

Though they have internalized the threat from Sikhs;  their evil minds have not registered the good done by Sikhs to their whole upper caste nation. Sikhs were like a whiff of fresh air on their sad stinking world. They killed their own daughters, young newly wed wives, mothers, and sisters in a religion which sanctioned  this by custom! What to they care for Sikhs. But this is an immutable  fact of history;  and besides The Khalsa,  the whole genuine Christian world too knows that evil can be eliminated only by virtuous action. In the whole world there is no one who matches the virtuosity of the saint-soldiers of The Khalsa Order;  of whom Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana is a representative.

The Home Of Sardar Balwant Singh Rajoana In Village Rajoana
The Home Of Sardar Balwant Singh Rajoana In Village Rajoana

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